A Broad Overview

At Instaproofs we’re constantly reviewing feedback and functionality to make sure things are working in the best possible way for you. Over the course of the past few years we've added and adjusted quite a bit within our system. In this blog article we’re going to go over some of the functionality currently available in our system that can make huge differences in your workflow, your client interactions and in your monthly sales!
Modern Storefront Design
Gone are the days of Flash plugins and small image thumbnails! Our storefronts have been totally rebuilt from the ground up to be sleek, modern, and entirely mobile compatible. Take advantage of this upgrade by heading into the Preferences page and switching your storefront style to 'Gallery.'

modern storefront design
Customizable Storefront Colors
Add your own logo and use our simple color wizard to more fully reflect your aesthetic and brand. Stand out from the crowd by making your storefront unique to you!

customize your storefront
The easiest time to sell anything to anybody is when they are already in a purchasing mood. Add-ons leverage this by providing you with simple upsell options to offer your clients as they are browsing and adding prints to their cart. Sample add-ons include upgrading to canvas or fine art paper, adding styrene backing to their prints, adding discounted digital copies to their order, etc.
Bounce-back Discounts
Automatically create and send client-specific discounts to incentivize "bounce-back" purchases from your clients. It's simple to setup and the benefits to your business can be substantial.

bounce-back discounts
Client Invoices
We make it easy for you to collect payments from your clients with our invoicing options. Online payments, schedulable email reminders, and payment plan functionality are all possible through our invoicing service.
Automated Fulfillment
Enable automated fulfillment and rest easy in the knowledge that your orders will be printed by your choice of professional printing labs, and knowing that every one of your images will be reviewed by a real person for cropping and other potential issues before being printed. (subscription accounts only)

automatic order fulfillment
Automatic Language Detection
You have clients from all around the globe and English may not be their preferred language. Our photo galleries automatically detect and display in the following languages: English, Español (Spanish), Français (French), Italiano (Italian), Русский (Russian), Magyar (Hungarian), and Deutsch (German).
Schedulable Discounts with Automated Emails
Set yourself up for success by planning ahead and scheduling all of your discounts at the beginning of each year. To make things even easier, emails can also be scheduled to be sent automatically as each sale starts and ends. Just set it and forget it.

schedule discounts
Personalized Print Orders
Because your orders may be shipped directly from a print lab, sometimes they can feel a little less-than-personal. Reintroduce a personal touch by including a custom 4x6 "info sheet" with each of your client orders. Design your info sheet to fit your brand and style, and include it in every order that is shipped to your clients. (subscription accounts only)
Sales Tax by State, City, County, or Zip Code
You can rest easy knowing that sales tax is always calculated how you define it. Take advantage of the option to specify sales tax by country, state, city, county or zip code.

client invoices
Multi-image Digital/Print Packages
Creating multi-image digital/print packages is a breeze. Packages of this type are generally sold at a discount when compared to purchasing the items separately, which encourages your clients to snap them up like candy! You can sell sets of just one size, multiple sizes, or even a combination of multiple sizes and digital downloads in the same package.
Simultaneously Upload to Multiple Folders
Save some time by uploading your images through Lightroom, our custom upload app or FTP. Each of these upload methods allow you to upload to multiple folders at once while also automatically creating the categories within your online galleries for you.

Custom Mobile Apps
Our custom mobile apps provide your clients with unique non-sales galleries that are perfect for sharing with their friends and family. Each time they share their custom mobile app with someone else is another referral for you! Sharing is caring.
Mix-and-Match Pricing Templates
Help your clients avoid unnecessary (and potentially incompatible) print crops by creating and using different pricing templates for each of your different photo sizes (panoramic, square, 4:3, etc.). Each of your pricing templates can offer a different set of purchase options, and through the use our unique "per image" pricing template associations you can offer different print options based on the original photo's specific aspect ratio.

pricing templates
Purchasable Watermarked Digital Files
Building brand awareness among your clients' friends and families can be simplified by offering inexpensive watermarked versions of your images that can be shared through social sites such as facebook and instagram. Additionally, using this option in combination with non-watermarked digital offerings can be a great way to drive additional sales at price points your clients are comfortable with.
Automated "Last __ Days" Discounts
Unlock the potential of receiving additional orders as your galleries are expiring by creating discounts that run (and trigger emails) automatically during their final few days online. These types of sales have proven themselves effective time and time again with often impressive results!

final days discount
And that's just the tip of the iceberg...
There are many many additional features and functionality available to you through our service! Bookmark this blog article to have it handy for future reference, and be on the lookout for more tips and announcements to come.

instaproofs.com | 435.258.6197 | support@instaproofs.com