Saving You Time, with Auto Fulfillment


Your time is precious and your days are busy; especially during these crazy summer months! We feel it too, and we'd love to help.

Our auto-fulfillment service takes all the pain out of your order fulfillment process and leaves you with additional time for everything else you'd rather be doing!

We have an outstanding lineup of amazing lab partners for you to choose from, including:

Multiple additional lab integrations are also in the works, and we're hoping to have something available for those outside of the USA within the next 6 months!


Each order that's processed through our automated fulfillment system is first reviewed and adjusted by a live person here at Instaproofs to identify any potential cropping or sizing issues before being pushed to your selected lab.  In the unlikely event that a problem is identified on an order, you are immediately contacted and consulted on how you'd like us to proceed with the order.
Setting up your account for auto-fulfillment can be done in a snap! Here's how you do it:
  • Navigate to the Fulfillment Overview page within the Fulfillment tab, and read through some of the basic fulfillment information.
  • Click into the Lab Connection screen and associate your storefront print sizes with the sizes and paper types available from the lab of your choice.
  • Click into the Auto Fulfillment page and select your auto-fulfillment preferences.
  • That's it!

After completing this super-short setup process you can just sit back as your orders are handled for you. It's like having your own assistant, without the extra cost!

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More information about our fulfillment services can be found here:

And, as always, our friendly support staff would be more than happy to walk you through anything that you may still have questions about!



Tips & TricksInstaproofs