Unlock the Next Level of Wedding Sales

Ready to unlock the next level of net revenue per wedding, but unsure of exactly how to do that?


Too often, photographers (and all humans) are paralyzed by inner questions, such as: “Is this the RIGHT thing to do?” and “Will this WORK?”

…but what if sales strategies aren’t rocket science?

What if they’re more like a middle school science fair project?

A sales strategy is just a testable set of actions. Try this on for size:

Choose a new sales strategy, and, before you over-analyze it, wondering if it’ll be perfect or Exactly The Thing You Need, just… try it. After you’ve tried your new strategy, review the data and look for what worked and what didn’t. Then, head back to the drawing board, make a few minor adjustments to your plan, and try it again.

After just a few short iterations of this process, you should see a noticeable improvement in your sales results.

What’s possible? What are you capable of?

Ready for a starter set of testable actions? Keep reading! You may find something that piques your interest:


You may be underserving if you only market your wedding galleries to your clients. With your client’s permission, share their gallery, and open it up to purchases from their wedding guests as well. For example:

  • Pre-create the wedding gallery and create a QR code that leads to the gallery’s sign-in page. Put that QR code on display at the reception, along with a small note that says, “Scan this QR code to get access to the wedding photos as soon as they’re ready!”

  • Offer that same QR code to your clients long before the wedding, in case they’d like to print it on their wedding program, thank you notes, etc.

Remember: Only do this with your client’s permission. Serve your contracted client first and foremost.


To whom do you want to market your images, and how can you make viewing and purchasing as simple as possible for them? Depending on your audience, you may want to organize your photos in specific ways, such as:

  • Create a “Highlights” category for your clients, showcasing the images that you feel best represent their wedding. Finding a specific photo in the “Highlights” category will boost your clients’ confidence when selecting images to print and hang in their homes.

  • If you’re providing guest access to the wedding photos, be strategic and create a separate “Wedding Guests” or “Guest Portraits” category within the gallery. Everyone loves pictures of themselves, especially when a professional photographer takes them in a formal or exciting setting. These shots can often be some of the most profitable photos taken during a wedding, so don’t forget to take the time to shoot with this in mind!

  • If your client prefers to keep their wedding gallery private, ask for permission to create a separate gallery just for the guest photos. Market that gallery to the guests, and watch the sales come in!


Show your clients and their guests that your values are in alignment. One way to do that is through charitable giving.

  • Give a gift in their honor. Work with your clients to select a charitable organization to whom you will donate a percentage of your print sales. You can be strategic with your pricing and the amount you offer so that your desired income remains unaffected, and you can give generously.

  • Wedding guests will likely be interested in the healthy growth of the couple’s relationship. If you have a private gallery just for guest photos and guest sales, use an internal message to let them know that a percentage of their print purchases (again, be thoughtful and strategic with your numbers) will go towards a surprise gift card for the happy couple to enjoy a night out.


Remember your client’s anniversary (calendar reminders are a simple and practical way to do this), and celebrate it with them!

  • Re-open their wedding gallery, and offer discounted prices on (what may now be) nostalgic prints.

  • Offer a celebratory coupon code to use within their gallery.

  • Offer an anniversary photo shoot with complimentary add-ons or discounted upgrade options.

  • Bonus: Notice their life events and reach out, regardless of whether it feels like a business opportunity for you or not. Simple comments like “Congratulations!” “Thinking of you.” “This is incredible!” will communicate your continued care. Repeat customer sales often come through heartfelt and genuine human connections of this nature.

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