Email Tracking, Abandoned Carts, and More!

Your comments and suggestions keep us going! Below are some of our most recent updates and additions:

Email Delivery Report

As of April 24th, all of the emails sent from your Instaproofs account are tracked from the time they are sent to the time they are opened!

With this new information, we've created a report that allows you to more precisely monitor your emails and see what's being delivered (and opened), and what's not. In addition to a graph similar to the example shown above, the delivery statistics are also provided to you in a more detailed format that's been broken down into days and email types (sale notices, expiring gallery reminders, etc.).

To begin exploring the email delivery information for your account, simply head into the Reports » Email Delivery page.

Adjustable File Size

When your clients initiate a full-gallery download, their images are zipped together into one or more compressed folders before being sent as downloadable links via email. This new setting allows you to specify the maximum size for each of the compressed folders sent to your clients, which can be anywhere from 1GB to 5GB.

To set your maximum preferred file size, head into the Selling » Preferences page and adjust the setting labeled "Maximum Zip File Size."

Single-image Product Crop

Allowing your clients to select the cropping area on their images can eliminate potentially-negative surprises when their images are printed and delivered. Up to this point we've allowed client cropping on standard print sizes (such as a 16x20 paper print), but the option hasn't been available for other single-image products such as Acrylic, Metal, or Canvas Prints. Until now, that is!

You can now define the crop sizing information for your single-image products, which in turn enables the cropping abilities on your storefront for those types of purchase options.

To add the sizing information to your single-image products, head into the Selling » Purchase Options page, click the Edit icon next to any of your single-image purchase options, and provide the crop sizing details.

Email Coupon Code

Sending custom coupon codes to your clients just got significantly easier! After creating a coupon code through the Sales & Coupons page, simply click the new link labeled "Email this Coupon" to email the coupon to your client. It's quick, it's easy, and the emails are customizable.

The contents of the default coupon code email can be modified through the new "Personal Coupon" email template that's been added to the Email Templates page.

Abandon Carts

A years' worth of abandoned shopping carts from each of your galleries is now available through a dedicated Abandoned Carts page, found within the Selling tab.

Through this new dedicated page you can view the contents of each cart, view the email addresses of your potential customers, and send follow-up emails to entice them back to complete their purchases!

Lab Product Selection

Each time you create a new purchase option, a default lab product needs to be selected for it before the purchase option can be fulfilled through our fulfillment services. To make this process a little bit quicker and easier for you, we've added the ability to select a default lab product from the settings screen of the purchase option itself.

Selecting a default lab product through this screen is done by clicking the new "Display lab product options?" link, and then selecting the specific lab product to be sent by default when the product is purchased through your storefront.

This functionality is currently only available for standard print sizes and single-image products.


We've added several new professional lab partners to our service this year, including multiple labs from outside the USA!

Our newest lab partners include the following:

Black River Imaging

GTA Imaging

Loxley Colour

Atkins Photo Lab

Each of these professional labs have proven track records of quality and dependability, and we're confident that your clients will love the products created for them through any of these amazing labs.

  • Sales Tax Included - For those of you outside the USA that are required to roll your sales tax into your displayed product pricing, you may now set that up. For instructions on how to do this, please see the following tutorial: Inclusive Sales Tax
  • Simplified Lab Partners Page - If you've taken a glance at our Lab Partners page in the past, you may have noticed that the product list and other lab details were fairly difficult to view and navigate. We've now updated and simplified the page, so please go ahead and take another look.