New Feature Roundup - June 2024

Say hello to summer and 12 new features!

We’re back this month with another roundup of new features available to you right now! These enhancements were designed with you in mind and will improve not only your experience, but your clients’ as well.

1. Individual Download Links — Until now, you’ve only had the option of downloading all files for an order from the Order Details Page, which wasn't always necessary. With this update, you can now download the images individually by clicking the download icons found next to each of the images!

Note: This feature is available in galleries created after May 7th, 2024.

2. Mobile-Friendly Order Receipts — Order receipts were previously displayed in a wide, two-column layout, which led to a non-mobile-friendly user experience. The details within the receipts have now been restructured for a more streamlined and mobile-friendly display. Most clients (60%+) place orders from their phones, making this update immediately impactful to their experience!

3. Faster Uploads & Downloads — Our brilliant network engineers have been hard at work behind the scenes! Thanks to their efforts, your clients can now download their full galleries much faster than before! For example, a large gallery that previously took up to 30 minutes to download, can now be downloaded in as little as just 3-5 minutes instead! This network enhancement has also impacted upload speeds — which are now twice as fast as well!

4. Upload Multiple Sample Photos — Many of our updates are inspired by photographer requests, and this new feature is no exception! You can now upload multiple sample photos to each of your sessions and session types within the Booking area of your account. On the client side, your selected images will automatically rotate every few seconds to display a new image.

5. Improved Visibility on Lab Pricing Updates — Updated lab pricing details can now be viewed through our site several weeks before the new pricing goes into effect. You can find the upcoming pricing changes on the Lab Partners page, within each of your Pricing Sheets, and on our Lab Pricing Updates page. Additionally, if you choose to adjust your pricing based on the new lab costs, you can easily update your existing pricing sheets by following the steps outlined in this tutorial.

6. Welcome Brazil-Based Photographers! — The Instaproofs platform now supports photographers in Brazil, allowing transactions in Brazilian Real (R$)! Bem-vindos, fotógrafos brasileiros!

7. New “Filter by Lab” Option — Looking for specific lab orders just got easier! In addition to searching by Status and Date, you can now filter and search your lab fulfillment orders by the specific lab they were fulfilled through. As an additional bonus, if one of the labs you work with has a loyalty program, such as the one offered by Richard Photo Lab, you can quickly find your cumulative order totals through this same screen!

8. Multiple Full Gallery Download Sizes — Previously, full gallery downloads provided to your clients through the Permissions area were limited to original/full-size images only. Now, you can offer free downloads in various sizes, just like the paid ones! The available sizes are: Full Size, Medium Print (2800px), Small Print (1800px), and Web (1280px)

9. Save on Shipping — When you process an order through our fulfillment services, the least expensive shipping option (based on the products you’re ordering) is now auto-selected to save you time, frustration, and money! Shipping costs can add up quickly, and, although it was only recently implemented, this update has already resulted in the saving of many thousands of dollars for our photographers.

10. New “Resend Customer Receipt” Option — If a client requests for their receipt to be resent, you can now do so with ease! Simply navigate to the Order Details page, and click the “Resend Customer Receipt” link in the bottom right-hand corner.

11. Better Client Email Delivery — Major email providers like Google and Yahoo recently updated their incoming mail policies in an effort to reduce spam. Instaproofs has proactively implemented these changes, and all email sent from our platform now includes several spam-fighting identifiers. Additionally, every email sent to your clients now features one-click unsubscribe capabilities, and, as a result, the email delivery rate we’re seeing for gallery reminders, abandoned cart reminders, sale notifications, etc. is at an all-time high! As an indication of the success we’re seeing from these changes, less than .01% of the emails sent from our system are now being reported as spam, which is ten times better than the industry average!

12. Order Date Range Filter — As your order history grows, finding a specific order can become tricky and tedious. Save yourself some effort by taking advantage of the new date range filter found on the Selling → Client Orders page. Use this filter alone, or combine it with others, to quickly narrow down your search results!

Several of these updates were requested by your fellow photographers. Please keep the feedback coming so we can continue to evolve our platform to be even more valuable to you and your photography businesses.

Reach out to our real, live support team anytime with comments, questions, and requests.

Thank you for choosing us as your photography platform!

All photography courtesy of Jonathan Canlas Photography